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WHO AM I?: Online I'm known as Darth Angelus or Worf, my real name is Damien.
WHAT DO I WANT?: To tell stories using whatever mediums I can, hopefully to entertain and if I'm lucky to help people learn how to be better.
WHERE AM I GOING?: Wherever my path takes me.

INTERESTS: Star Wars, Babylon 5 (dont ask me to choose between those two), scifi, fantasy, Buffy/Angel, The Matrix, writing, watching movies, making movies, playing games, making games, trying new ideas/experiments, testing my abilities and some other wierd things.

CONTACT: You can email me at: darth.angelus AT

I also maintain a blog: Livejournal

CURRENTLY READING: The Reality Dysfunction by Peter F Hamilton

FAVOURITE QUOTE: "As Harlan says, you're not entitled to your opinion, you're entitled to your INFORMED opinion. If you haven't bothered to be informed about something, to be properly educated -- in this case by seeing the thing you're discussing -- then sorry, but your opinion is less than worthless." - J. Michael Straczynski

Test Results

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