Highlights of 2012

Poster for The Great Bug War, still one of the most ambitious films I've ever worked on.

Me with Alessandra Toressani, she was nuts but brilliant.

I hope I don't have to explain who this is.

The previous photo had to be corrected.

Yep, he really did turn up to his photosession like that.

Disneyland Paris, I can remember going when it had only just opened and this was the 20th anniversary.

I don't think I've ever been photographed as much as when I stood on this spot with Steph/Samara.

King Shepard

Opening day!

Battling a Cyberman on opening day.

This just had to be taken.

The N7 Elite at Dragon*Con. Hanging out with these guys made this year my favourite time at the con.

And getting to meet Mark Meer.

Celebrated 10 years of film making.

This is your Captain speaking.

Surrounded by Poison Ivy!

The epic Mass Effect group at MCM Expo.

And the epic Dragon Age group and we were joined by Chris Priestly from Bioware.

Holly Conrad! It was watching a video of her Masquerade entry into the San Diego Comic Con that inspired me to make some N7 armour. Finally got to meet her.

Defended my village from Reapers.

Two Sith, up to no good.

Opening day of The Hobbit.