Highlights of 2010

This year started with snow. Lots of it.

Still from a sadly unfinished live action film set in Middle Earth.


This still amuses me, giant Tribbles from the Star Trek Online beta.

Old bookshop in Bath. Didn't know it was there until a friend all the way over in Los Angeles discovered it.

Would you believe there was a Doctor Who convention in here?

Beginning the day at the London Expo.

Meeting Esai Morales and Ronald D Moore at the London Expo.

William Shatner.

Ivan, Tina and myself at the Dragon*Con machinima screenings

Mass Effect and DragonAge at Dragon*Con

Doctor Who Live for my birthday.

I did want to put a photo from the cosplay ball here but I don't have any of my own :(

After extremely cold weather, everything is frozen. This picture reminded me of Narnia.

The year ended as it began, with lots of snow.